ELAA Member

About Us!

NorQuest College is the Edmonton region’s largest college serving over 21,000 students annually throughout the province in full-time, part-time, online, and regional programs.

We help learners with diverse educational backgrounds further their studies through foundational programs in academic upgrading, English language training, and employment preparation. Our post-secondary diploma, post-diploma, and certificate programs offer career paths in health, business, environmental, technology, and community studies. Our university transfer courses and programs offer students the opportunity to begin their degree in a community college environment while they gain the knowledge, skills, and credits necessary to move on to further post-secondary studies.

NorQuest College is proud to embrace diversity and honour inclusiveness, with learners representing 114 countries of birth and 78 first languages spoken on campus.


Virtual ELAA Event: 6:30-7:30PM (MST)